You Stupid Fucking Hicks

November 8, 2006 · One minute read

Nice job, Wisconsin. You overwhelmingly voted for the amendment to ban gay marriage (and civil unions).

In 1895, South Carolina amended its state constitution to prohibit the “marriage of a white person with a Negro or mulatto or a person who shall have one-eighth or more of Negro blood.

In one hundered years history will look back at this moment and recognize that what was just done in Wisconsin was just as abhorrent as what South Carolina did in 1895 (and didn’t fix until 1998).

You are a stupid fucking hick if you voted for this ban. You probably also think we shouldn’t let the n*****s marry our pure white folk.

Shame on you.

Shame on the small minded, dogmatic, hateful religion which inspired your vote.

I’ll bet it was Christianity.